What to Do When an Insurance Claim Is Delayed

Having an up-to-date system in place to manage delayed claims is more important than ever to maintain the profitability and viability of your practice. Denied claims and delayed claims have drastically increased in recent years, which hurts the healthcare industry overall. Behavioral health counselors and their practices are particularly vulnerable to delayed claims due to…

How Is Mental Health Billing Different Than Medical Billing?

Mental health billing can be frustrating to navigate when compared to other medical billing. From the preauthorizations, unique range of services offered, and accounting needed, it may seem like you’re at more of a disadvantage than practitioners in other fields. If your business seems to face extra difficulty getting claims honored, know that this is…

Working With Insurance Providers for Rehab and Mental Health Treatment

If you are a mental or behavioral health professional today and you’re having issues getting reimbursement for your claims or experiencing an increase in denied claims, you’re not alone. The country is in the midst of a mental health and substance use epidemic parallel to the Covid pandemic. Many people are having to jump through…

How to Improve the Financial Health of Your Company

If you run a healthcare practice, remaining financially viable should be a top priority. An economically sound practice will allow you to provide your patients with the best possible care and treatment and invest in future growth. A significant contribution to the financial health of practices today is implementing revenue cycle management (RCM). Revenue cycle…